Giant wipes
for all pets.
Inspired by dirty wellies and mucky paws; spilled milk — by both the kids and the cats; active lives spent on the school run — or in the rabbit run… petall was found for pets, for you and for life.
We encourage people to have fun in the moment and to not worry about life getting messy, because they know they’ve got petall at hand to take care of the mucky stuff so they don’t have to miss a moment.
petall is more than just a product; it’s a badge that we can wear which represents and expresses a way of life. A way of living that celebrates the adventures that bring people, families and pets together.
For use at home
and out’n’about
Perfect for post-walk cleanups, petall whisk away mud, keeping your furry friends fresh and ready for cuddles!
Take petall on walks to keep your car, yourself, and your pets spotlessly clean wherever you roam!
Keep your eyes peeled for the big purple pack at your local pet store.
You can find petall in over 500 high street pet stores across the UK from local independents to a select few national partners that reflect our home grown values and commitment to quality made products that work.
If you can’t find petall in your local pet shop, let us know and we’ll give them a nudge to get their hands on petall, so you can get them on your paws!
Supersized wipes made with your larger animal friends in mind.
petall are super sized to handle even the biggest, fluffiest creatures, making them perfect for everything from giant dog breeds to horses and other large animal friends. Whether it’s a quick cleanup or a thorough grooming session, our wipes ensure every pet, big or small, stays spotlessly clean and happy.
Tell us how you’ve used petall! Follow @petallLife
A wipe made for all pets and their environments.
Dogs & Puppies
FOR THEM Cleanse and deodorise coats, paws and bums; as well as muzzles, ears and surrounds of eyes… someone call the puparazzi.
FOR THEIR STUFF Clean and de-fur kennels, beds and jackets. Great for mats, bowls, leads, collars… even squeaky toys!
Cats & Kittens
FOR THEM Remove loose fur, dander and saliva whilst cleansing and deodorising. Use on paws, body, legs and bums; as well as muzzles, ears and surrounds of eyes.
FOR THEIR STUFF Clean and de-fur beds and carry cases. Ensure litter trays and food bowls are purrfectly clean!
Reptiles & Amphibians
FOR THEM Your reptile friends take care of themselves. However they can be used to gently cleanse shells.
FOR THEIR STUFF Clean enclosures, bathing and soaking dishes; as well as decor, including plastic plants and rocks. Ssssparkling clean.
Small & Furry
FOR THEM Freshen and deodorise coats, muzzles, ears and eye surrounds of rabbits, hamsters, gerbils and all of your other beloved small animals.
FOR THEIR STUFF Clean hutches, beds, food bowls, water bottles. Perfect for cleaning your little buddy’s wheels, tubes and tunnels.
Horses & Equines
FOR THEM Cleanse coat and hooves; ears and surrounds of eyes. Use whilst cleansing teats, sheaths and other sensitive areas.
FOR THEIR STUFF For saddles, boots, bridles and reins and grooming tools. Great for day-to-day stable cleaning. Neigh bad, hay!
Feathery Friends
FOR THEM Generally birds bathe and cleanse themselves; they’re clever like that.
FOR THEIR STUFF Birds don’t tend to clean their own cage—not as clever as you thought hey! Clean cages, perches, mirrors (who’s a pretty boy?) and toys. Perfect to wash food and water dishes.